See all our current products for Tixa. You can try or use Tixa for free today. Keep up to date on the with our discounts and one-time promos.
Tixa is custom fitted to your industry to help you manage your everyday activity comfortably.
Your files are encrypted and stored securely on our servers so you don't need your own servers. They will always be available for you when you need them.
All you need is a Rivahlax Account, a subscription and computers with an internet connection. Your setup is quite simple and very cost effective.
Tixa has an easy to navigate interface. Yet, its responsive nature means the interface provides the user with a great experience.
There is no limit as to what you can store and retrieve without failure. Use Tixa like you are the only one using it.
By virtue of being a web application, it means that Tixa can be accessed online on any OS platform with a browser.
Before you subscribe, depending on the Tixa, you can try or use it for free.
Simply make payments online when you are ready. No hidden charges ever.
You require no technical knowledge on how to set Tixa up the first time.